Upcoming Gatherings

Christ The Way Church Gathering
Markers In Our Journey - Part 1
Most of us know that because the Lord’s process for each one of us is typically very much individualized, there are going to be differences at some level in what the Lord takes us through as part of our journey into transformation.
But there are still main themes in the journey, and just like there is no temptation that is not common to man (1 Cor 10:13), there are going to be general points of reference that are also common to each of us who is on the inward journey. For that reason, it can be helpful to have general points of reference, or “markers”, in regard to where we are in the overall journey.
Markers In Our Journey - Part 1 Most of us know that because the Lord’s process for each one of us is typically very much individualized, there are going to be differences at some level in what the Lord takes us through as part of our journey into transformation. But there are still main themes in the journey, and just like there is no temptation that is not common to man (1 Cor 10:13), there are going to be general points of reference that are also common to each of us who is on the inward journey. For that reason, it can be helpful to have general points of reference, or “markers”, in regard to where we are in the overall journey.
In Part 1 of this limited series, we’re going to take a look at a greater number of those markers in the journey than we have up to this point. We trust that it will offer an opportunity to lay hold of points of identification in our own journeys, and provide some additional encouragement to our listeners.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
We are posting this gathering early because it represents a deviation from our normal schedule. The hotel had previously booked our meeting space and it was not available on. 4/13/25, and so we scheduled on the 20th instead.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
This date will place us back on our 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month schedule.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
This message is intended to encourage those that are on a bridal journey. We are going to discuss some of the differences in the way that God goes about making a vessel already, as opposed to the way we would deal with our preparation if it were our responsibility. The majority of us already know that it would be essentially hopeless if we had to become responsible for making ourselves perfected, even as the Father in heaven is perfect (Matt 5:48). Thankfully, that work is the Lord's! But as we dealt with in the last message on 3/2/25, it helps greatly if we can bring our willingness into an interaction with the will of God. So to that primary goal, this message is intended to encourage us in being willing.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
As we are finding out in continuously clearer fashion each and every day, the separation in the church, which we have heard about potentially for decades, has now begun, and it is going to be with us to the end of this age. Our response? Let's embrace what the Apostle Paul says in Philippians 3:12-15 (AMP)...,
12 Not that I have already obtained it [this goal of being Christlike] or have already been made perfect, but I actively press on so that I may take hold of that [perfection] for which Christ Jesus took hold of me and made me His own. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider that I have made it my own yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the [heavenly] prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 15 All of us who are mature [pursuing spiritual perfection] should have this attitude.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
This is a most interesting time in church history and much has been written about it in the Scriptures, but unfortunately, too little has been fully comprehended to the degree that is needed. There has been far too much done by the power of man in the church, but the only things that are going to be acceptable at this point are those things which are accomplished by the Spirit on a pure foundation of Jesus Christ. In this message, we are going to take a look at what this means and what it requires of us in this immediate season. If we will allow the Lord to properly align us for what He has planned, the rewards will be beyond our comprehension!

Christ The Way Church Gathering
In this message, Jeff Thompson is going to bring to us a view of how the Lord is helping us become prepared for our marriage with Him.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
Dealing With Our Burdens Before the Lord
Last January 2024, the Lord began to speak to us about the fact that carrying burdens would make it hard for us to continue in the journey into Christ. He referenced Jer 17:21 and said that we would not be able to enter thru the gates into the city if we were carrying loads. That, BTW, is the theme behind the cover image for this message depicting the gate(s) into Jerusalem. We know that Jer 17:21 is speaking about doing work on the Sabbath, but in this case the Lord referenced that scripture in regard to being able to make it through the gates into the city, and that carrying our loads (burdens) in a backpack would be a hindrance.
Our culture today has trained us to carry burdens almost perpetually, almost as a normal part of life. But the Lord was making it clear that He desires that we come to a point where we learn how to deal with our burdens thru what He has provided to us and that we not continue to carry them. And the reason is..., continuing to carry our burdens instead of giving them to Him thru the help of the Holy Spirit will hinder us in our part of climbing the mountain of God.
We spoke about climbing the mountain of God in the last message on December 29th. This message is not a Pt 2 of that message, but there is a progression of revelation and understanding that will be a part of this message that is intended to help us move forward in our intended journey in this current timeframe, as the events intensify around us.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
We have cancelled our planned gathering on 1/12/25 due to the winter storm that has just impacted our area and with it, the hazardous driving conditions it has created for our local members. We may reschedule for next weekend, 1/19/25, but will confirm this on both this website and our YouTube site.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
This being the last gathering we have before Christmas, we have traditionally engaged some portion of the Christmas message around this time of December each year. But during the waiting on the Lord for the message content for this gathering, we began to see that the Lord wanted to pour out His encouragement upon His people, so the message content is going to be leaning into that direction. If we truly embrace the realities of the person of Jesus Christ, we will find many points of encouragement because of Who He is, and because of the glorious future that He has made available to all of those who believe in Him. But as more of us are beginning to discover, it is the growing relationship with Jesus, and the engagement with the Holy Spirit as He reveals Jesus to us, and enables us to love Jesus to the full extent that He so richly deserves, that becomes the greatest gift and reward that we could have ever imagined.
This gathering with the Lord is intended to encourage us in our journey into Christ. It is going to be a Christmas message, but brought forward in a way that is not typical of the traditional Christmas message that many of us have become accustomed to.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
In the middle of a season where the Lord has been more than active among us, we are seeing Him present to us revelations and understandings that are proving to be powerfully effective in helping the majority of us get past blockages and hindrances that have prevented many from moving forward prior to this season. The reason for that was that the enemy of our souls had what amounted to free access to us in far too many ways. If we need evidence of this, all we have to do is look at the patterns in our lives that have recycled over and over. And especially look at instances where the Lord was doing something major in our life, and we were beginning to experience breakthrough and excitement, and then something would always seem to happen that would significantly hinder, or even stop that forward motion. That was the enemy taking advantage of open doors that were already there, because he knew that he could interrupt and interfere with what God was faithfully doing. What the Lord is showing us is how to stop the repeating cycles and to begin to engage a much fuller measure of what God has intended for those who are His. The Lord's intentions are fullness of life for every single believer, and the only thing that will prevent that from happening is us, if we choose to allow the enemy to continue to have access to those open doors.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
In the middle of a season where the Lord has been more than active among us, we are seeing him present to us revelations and understandings that are proving to be powerfully effective in helping the majority of us get past blockages and hindrances that have held us up prior to this season. We use the term "tools" in the title of the message, but they are far more than just tools. I don't think we would be wrong in saying that they could be called revelation understandings, and how to walk with the Lord in such a way that He is unhindered in doing his work of transformation in us.
There was a plan to try to touch this in the last message, but the Lord preempted our plan and we appreciate Him for doing that. What is going to be covered in this two-part series is too important to simply be added into a message. These "tools" deserve to be the focus of a message because the Lord is bringing (back) before us revelational understandings that were intended for God's people all along. But the spirit of religion has robbed so many in the church of what was the Lord's original intent. That statement is old news, but we believe that what is going to be presented in this message is going to come across something brand new to most of us. And it certainly is bringing forth both hope and emerging life as we embrace what He is showing us.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
This has been quite a season in our church in regard to the Lord going deep, and more and more of us are experiencing the Lord pushing us to a place of internal integrity and wholeness. The first part of the message is going to be told through relating a story, and will touch something that is a major priority with most believers, but yet is a major battleground for most believers, as well. From there, we are going to relate some of the tools and understandings that the Lord has been equipping us with in this season and how they will help us not just stand, but began to actively take ground back from the enemy.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
In this message, Chris Poole will be speaking on Staying On The Path When The Journey Becomes Challenging
This message is going to be a bit like a "trail report", which is typically a report on the hiking conditions of whatever trail is being reported on. But in this case, it will be more of a report on the personal preparation of the hikers who are on the trail (…that would be those of us who are in the pursuit of the Christ-life) and some of what is being experienced at this juncture of the journey, along with discussions of what God is showing, and what is being learned in regard to how we can best posture ourselves to finish well in the journey into Christ and His life.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
In this message, Jeff Thompson will be speaking on what is being weighed in this season, and how do we avoid unbalanced scales, or being found deficient?

Christ The Way Church Gathering
NOTE: This message will be the conclusion of what we did not get to finish in our last gathering. We felt it was important to make sure that portion of the content was not omitted because it was the most encouraging part of the entire message that was planned for Part 4. So, this message will be sure to include those parts, plus some additional.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
The discussion of "The Life" has been a predominant topic in our overall community for a long time now, and we all for the most part have been focused on coming into the life (of Christ). But we also have been confronted by the fact that it is a supernatural life that cannot be entered into through our own understanding. We also know that it is a costly journey to come into that life and Matthew 7:13-14 (NLT) makes that fact quite clear..., "13 “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. 14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.
The indwelling life of Christ in the believer is the end-goal of the Eternal Gospel, Christ being that Gospel, and the Holy Spirit is given the primary responsibility of forming that life in a believer. So in this 4th, and possibly final installment of this series, we feel the Lord is leading us to take a deeper look at that life, and what are some of the attributes that will be shared by those who come into that life.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
Depending upon our age, many of us were introduced to the Holy Spirit in a way that influenced our impression about His place and His purpose in the master plan of the Godhead for the human race. it's entirely possible that we saw Him introduced as the member of the Trinity who brought power into meetings, and produced intense demonstrations of the supernatural aspects of the Godhead. And the Holy Spirit certainly is capable of doing those things, and has in the past allowed a lot of those things to go on in gatherings of the saints, but that is not His primary purpose.
So in this Part 3 of the series, we will begin by looking at His true purpose, insofar as the fulfillment of the Eternal Gospel of Jesus Christ in each of us is concerned. Then we will quickly move along into how we enter into lasting relationship with the Holy Spirit in order that we might learn what it means to cooperate with Him and His real purpose for those who would desire to be the Bride of Jesus Christ.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
Part 2 of this series has turned out to be the Lord dealing with us about the Holy Spirit"s rightful place in the journey into Christ. It is in preparation for us to be taught how to actually have a relationship with the Holy Spirit., The Eternal Gospel and The Holy Spirit.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
In the seeking of the Lord over the content of this message, it became clear that we would take a fresh look at the Eternal Gospel of Jesus Christ, and then look at the part the Holy Spirit plays in regards to the working out of the Eternal Plan and Purpose, which is the Eternal Gospel being worked out through the formation of the life of Christ in the believer. Initially, we thought that this could be dealt with in a single message, but then it became clear that the one message was going to end up becoming Part 1 of a series. But as we continued to sit with the Lord during the message prep, it became clear that this Part 1 message was going to focus solely on the Eternal Gospel of Jesus Christ, in order to lay the groundwork for where we will absolutely be going as part of this series, which is the establishment of the place and purpose of the Holy Spirit in the Eternal Gospel of Jesus Christ. So we are letting everyone know that the discussion about the Holy Spirit and His part is going to be in Part 2 and whatever follows. Part 1 is going to focus entirely on the Eternal Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
In Part 4, we are going to share some reflections on walking in the light that we have not yet had the time to cover in preceding parts of this series.

Christ The Way Church Gathering (Copy)
In this Part 3 of the series, we are going to get even more detailed in our description of what it means to walk in the light, and the process that is involved on our part. Then we will describe the specific activity of the Holy Spirit that comes into the equation, and how we can experience a genuine acceleration of the life of Jesus Christ being invested in us by the Holy Spirit.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
This message deals with aspects that the Lord is calling to our attention in order to get ourselves unencumbered while on the narrow pathway into the life of Christ.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
We feel that we are being led by the Lord to do one more session in the series dealing with the Revelation of Jesus Christ. There are some things that the Lord wants to speak to those that have ears to hear, and it would be important to those who have determined that they want to press into the Lord, until they truly come to know Him more than just in a surface level.
The message may be just slightly shorter than normal, because we are leaving room for a slightly extended time of ministry towards the end of the meeting, where we will pray over those in the room and those online about receiving the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and to enter in to greater intimacy and personal relationship. We believe this is at the Lord's direction.
This is all we will say about the content before the gathering takes place this Sunday. Then we will come back and refine this detail once the Lord has more fully revealed everything that He wants to say.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
In Parts 1 and 2, this series has dealt with the hugely important topic of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Repeating our introduction from Part 2, we began in Part 1 by dealing with the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Paul stated in Galatians 1:12 (CSB), "For I did not receive it (the Gospel) from a human source and I was not taught it, but it came by a revelation of Jesus Christ. We need to hear what Paul is saying to us in that verse. Just like there is only one Jesus Christ, there is only one true Gospel, because Christ IS the Gospel. So the revelation of Christ initiates a divine transaction in our hearts.
Then in Part 2, we continued dealing with the Revelation of Jesus Christ and additional content that the Lord brought forward. We did not get to fully finish the content for Part 2 on 3/10, so in Part 3, scheduled for 3/24, we will finish the additional content on the Revelation of Jesus Christ and then initially engage the part that we have something to do with..., what it means to partake of Christ, and how do we engage our part in that process.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
In this Part 2 message, we move to the part that we have something to do with..., what it means to partake of Christ, and how do we engage our part in that process. The partaking of Christ is a vitally important part of us cooperating with the greater process of the Lord which is administrated by the Holy Spirit, so that the Life of Christ might be formed in us and progressively overtake and drive out the Adamic nature life, the life that we were born into. Partaking of Christ is how we ingest Christ Himself into our mortal bodies so that little by little, as we continue in obedience to this process, we progressively overcome and are transformed into His life, and His likeness. THAT..., is how we enter into the fulfillment of the Eternal Plan and Purpose of the Godhead, and into bridal relationship with Christ.
The church at large has been wrongly teaching for sometime that to simply acknowledge that Jesus is real and is "out there somewhere" somehow means that we are automatically the Bride of Christ. That is unbiblical teaching and Revelation 3:21 makes that very clear. ONLY the Overcomers are going to sit with Christ on His throne and rule and reign with Him throughout all eternity. So it is important for us to understand what it means to be one of the Overcomers. That, and the process of partaking of Christ, is what we will cover in this part 2 message.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
We have had a number of people express interest in what it means to partake of Christ, and it has been a while since we have dealt with this topic. In this gathering, we will once again establish from the Scriptures why it is so vital and important to the believer. This is Part 1 of a two part series and this session deals specifically with the revelation of Jesus Christ. As usual, we will edit this message summary after we complete the time together this Sunday, and update this synopsis to reflect what was covered.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
A new season has begun and some are finding that their the journey on the narrow way has become more constricted than in the in the last season. We are going to get into this in this gathering and lay out what the Lord is saying to us in this timeframe. We will have a more expanded description after the meeting, but this will be enough now to get us pointed in the right direction.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
In Part 2 of this two-part series, we will be discussing this year and some things the Lord would have us be mindful of as we journey forward into 2024. There will be some discussion of things to come, but even more about the Lord's position on His intentions into the affairs of men.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
Message Focus - 2024 and Forward
We meet every other Sunday beginning at 10AM CT. Come into the main lobby and the meeting room will be easy to locate.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
The Great Faithfulness of God
Ultimately, this message and its content is going to lean in the direction of the message title. But this is also one of those messages that is going to have to do with specific points of focus for 2024. So there is going to be a mix of things pertinent to this timeframe.

Christ The Way Church Gathering
In this message, we are going to look at the greatest gift that has ever been given, and how that should, and will completely shape our lives, depending on our perspective. The message will be comprehensive and will go into more than this alone, but it will all be connected.