Christ The Way Church Recordings
Christ The Way Church - 3/16/25
Speaker - Chris Poole
The Ways of God
This message is intended to encourage those that are on a bridal journey. We are going to discuss some of the differences in the way that God goes about making a vessel already, as opposed to the way we would deal with our preparation if it were our responsibility. The majority of us already know that it would be essentially hopeless if we had to become responsible for making ourselves perfected, even as the Father in heaven is perfect (Matt 5:48). Thankfully, that work is the Lord's! But as we dealt with in the last message on 3/2/25, it helps greatly if we can bring our willingness into an interaction with the will of God. So to that primary goal, this message is intended to encourage us in being willing.
Christ The Way Church YouTube Channel (Livestreamed) - www.youtube.com/@ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel (video uploaded after meeting) - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 3/2/25
Speaker - Chris Poole
Pressing On To Possess That Perfection For Which Christ Jesus First Possessed Us
As we are finding out in continuously clearer fashion each and every day, the separation in the church, which we have heard about potentially for decades, has now begun, and it is going to be with us to the end of this age. Our response? Let's embrace what the Apostle Paul says in Philippians 3:12-15 (AMP)..., 12 Not that I have already obtained it [this goal of being Christlike] or have already been made perfect, but I actively press on so that I may take hold of that [perfection] for which Christ Jesus took hold of me and made me His own. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider that I have made it my own yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the [heavenly] prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 15 All of us who are mature [pursuing spiritual perfection] should have this attitude.
Christ The Way Church YouTube Channel (Livestreamed) - www.youtube.com/@ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel (video uploaded after meeting) - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 2/16/25
Speaker - Chris Poole
The Time Has Come To Soar On Eagles Wings
This is a most interesting time in church history and much has been written about it in the Scriptures, but unfortunately, too little has been fully comprehended to the degree that is needed. There has been far too much done by the power of man in the church, but the only things that are going to be acceptable are those things which are accomplished by the Spirit on the foundation of Jesus Christ. In this message, we are going to take a look at what this means and what it requires of us in this immediate season. If we will allow the Lord to properly align us for what he has planned, the rewards will be beyond our comprehension!
Christ The Way Church YouTube Channel (Livestreamed) - www.youtube.com/@ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel (video uploaded after meeting) - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 1/19/25
Speaker - Chris Poole
Dealing With Our Burdens Before the Lord
Last January 2024, the Lord began to speak to us about the fact that carrying burdens would make it hard for us to continue in the journey into Christ. He referenced Jer 17:21 and said that we would not be able to enter thru the gates into the city if we were carrying loads. That, BTW, is the theme behind the cover image for this message depicting the gate(s) into Jerusalem. We know that Jer 17:21 is speaking about doing work on the Sabbath, but in this case the Lord referenced that scripture in regard to being able to make it through the gates into the city, and that carrying our loads (burdens) in a backpack would be a hindrance.
Our culture today has trained us to carry burdens almost perpetually, almost as a normal part of life. But the Lord was making it clear that He desires that we come a point where we learn how to deal with our burdens thru what He has provided to us and that we not continue to carry them. And the reason is..., continuing to carry our burdens instead of giving them to Him thru the help of the Holy Spirit will hinder us in our part of climbing the mountain of God.
We spoke about climbing the mountain of God in the last message on December 29th. This message is not a Pt 2 of that message, but there is a progression of revelation and understanding that will be a part of this message that is intended to help us move forward in our intended journey in this current timeframe, as the events intensify around us.
Christ The Way Church YouTube Channel (Livestreamed) - www.youtube.com/@ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel (video uploaded after meeting) - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 12/29/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
Climbing The Mountain Of God: The Foundation of Our Trust In This Season
In this message, we are going to discuss something that is important to all believers in this season, and it touches what is most important to the Lord as He prepares to come to His people.
Christ The Way Church - 12/15/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
And the Government Shall Be Upon His Shoulders
This being the last gathering we have before Christmas, we have traditionally engaged some portion of the Christmas message around this time of December each year. But during the waiting on the Lord for the message content for this gathering, we began to see that the Lord wanted to pour out His encouragement upon His people, so the message content is going to be leaning into that direction. If we truly embrace the realities of the person of Jesus Christ, we will find many points of encouragement because of Who He is, and because of the glorious future that He has made available to all of those who believe in Him. But as more of us are beginning to discover, it is the growing relationship with Jesus, and the engagement with the Holy Spirit as He reveals Jesus to us, and enables us to love Jesus to the full extent that He so richly deserves, that becomes the greatest gift and reward that we could have ever imagined.
This gathering with the Lord is intended to celebrate the Lord and all of Who He is to us in ever increasing manner as the revelation of Jesus Christ increases within us. It is going to be brought forward in a way that is not typical of the traditional Christmas message that many of us have become accustomed to. Communion is going to be part of what will take place and we invite anyone who plans to join with us live to take communion with us.
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church YouTube Channel - www.youtube.com/@ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 12/01/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
Tools Of The Lord In The Restoration Of His House - Part 2
In the middle of a season where the Lord has been more than active among us, we are seeing Him present to us revelations and understandings that are proving to be powerfully effective in helping the majority of us get past blockages and hindrances that have prevented many from moving forward prior to this season. The reason for that was that the enemy of our souls had what amounted to free access to us in far too many ways. If we need evidence of this, all we have to do is look at the patterns in our lives that have recycled over and over. And especially look at instances where the Lord was doing something major in our life, and we were beginning to experience breakthrough and excitement, and then something would always seem to happen that would significantly hinder, or even stop that forward motion. That was the enemy taking advantage of open doors that were already there, because he knew that he could interrupt and interfere with what God was faithfully doing. What the Lord is showing us is how to stop the repeating cycles and to begin to engage a much fuller measure of what God has intended for those who are His. The Lord's intentions are fullness of life for every single believer, and the only thing that will prevent that from happening is us, if we choose to allow the enemy to continue to have access to those open doors.
There was a plan to try to touch this in the last message, but the Lord preempted our plan and we appreciate Him for doing that. What is going to be covered in this two-part message series is too important to simply be added into a message. These "tools" deserve to be the focus of a message because the Lord is bringing (back) before us revelational understandings that were intended for God's people all along. But the spirit of religion has robbed so many in the church of what was the Lord's original intent. That statement is old news, but we believe that what is going to be presented in this series may even come across as something brand new to many of us. And it certainly is bringing forth both hope and emerging life as we embrace what He is showing us.
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church YouTube Channel - www.youtube.com/@ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 11/17/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
Tools Of The Lord In The Restoration Of His House - Part 1
In the middle of a season where the Lord has been more than active among us, we are seeing him present to us revelations and understandings that are proving to be powerfully effective in helping the majority of us get past blockages and hindrances that have held us up prior to this season. We use the term "tools" in the title of the message, but they are far more than just tools. I don't think we would be wrong in saying that they could be called revelation understandings, and how to walk with the Lord in such a way that He is unhindered in doing his work of transformation in us.
There was a plan to try to touch this in the last message, but the Lord preempted our plan and we appreciate Him for doing that. What is going to be covered in this two-part series is too important to simply be added into a message. These "tools" deserve to be the focus of a message because the Lord is bringing (back) before us revelational understandings that were intended for God's people all along. But the spirit of religion has robbed so many in the church of what was the Lord's original intent. That statement is old news, but we believe that what is going to be presented in this message is going to come across as something brand new to many of us. And it certainly is bringing forth both hope and emerging life as we embrace what He is showing us.
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church YouTube Channel - www.youtube.com/@ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 11/03/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
The Journey Forward (From Here)
This has been quite a season in our church in regard to the Lord going deep, and more and more of us are experiencing the Lord pushing us to a place of internal integrity and wholeness. The first part of the message is going to be told through relating a story, and will touch something that is a major priority with most believers, but yet is a major battleground for most believers, as well. From there, we are going to relate some of the tools and understandings that the Lord has been equipping us with in this season and how they will help us not just stand, but began to actively take ground back from the enemy.
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 10/20/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
Staying On The Path When The Journey Becomes Challenging
This message is going to be a bit like a "trail report", which is typically a report on the hiking conditions of whatever trail is being reported on. But in this case, it will be more of a report on the personal preparation of the hikers who are on the trail (…that would be those of us who are in the pursuit of the Christ-life) and some of what is being experienced at this juncture of the journey, along with discussions of what God is showing, and what is being learned in regard to how we can best posture ourselves to finish well in the journey into Christ and His life.
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 9/22/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
The Eternal Gospel and the Holy Spirit - Part 5 - The Life That We Seek (Conclusion)
[NOTE: This message will be the conclusion of what we did not get to finish in our last gathering. We felt it was important to make sure that portion of the content was not omitted because it was the most encouraging part of the entire message that was planned for Part 4. So, this message will be sure to include those parts, plus some additional.]
The discussion of "The Life" has been a predominant topic in our overall community for a long time now, and we all for the most part have been focused on coming into the life (of Christ). But we also have been confronted by the fact that it is a supernatural life that cannot be entered into through our own understanding. We also know that it is a costly journey to come into that life and Matthew 7:13-14 (NLT) makes that fact quite clear..., "13 “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. 14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.
The indwelling life of Christ in the believer is the end-goal of the Eternal Gospel, Christ being that Gospel, and the Holy Spirit is given the primary responsibility of forming that life in a believer. So in this 5th and final installment of this series, we feel the Lord is leading us to take a deeper look at that life, and what are some of the attributes that will be shared by those who come into that life.
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 9/8/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
The Eternal Gospel and the Holy Spirit - Part 4 - The Life That We Seek
The discussion of "The Life" has been a predominant topic in our overall community for a long time now, and we all for the most part have been focused on coming into the life (of Christ). But we also have been confronted by the fact that it is a supernatural life that cannot be entered into through our own understanding. We also know that it is a costly journey to come into that life and Matthew 7:13-14 (NLT) makes that fact quite clear..., "13 “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. 14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.
The indwelling life of Christ in the believer is the end-goal of the Eternal Gospel, Christ being that Gospel, and the Holy Spirit is given the primary responsibility of forming that life in a believer. So in this 4th, and possibly final installment of this series, we feel the Lord is leading us to take a deeper look at that life, and what are some of the attributes that will be shared by those who come into that life.
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 8/25/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
The Eternal Gospel and the Holy Spirit - Part 3 - Developing Our Relationship With the Holy Spirit
Depending upon our age, many of us were introduced to the Holy Spirit in a way that influenced our impression about His place and His purpose in the master plan of the Godhead for the human race. It's entirely possible that we saw Him introduced as the member of the Trinity who brought power into meetings, and produced intense demonstrations of the supernatural aspects of the Godhead. And the Holy Spirit certainly is capable of doing those things, and has, in the past, allowed a lot of those things to go on in gatherings of the saints, but that is not His real and ultimate purpose.
So in this Part 3 of the series, we will begin by looking at His real purpose, insofar as the fulfillment of the Eternal Gospel of Jesus Christ in each of us is concerned. Then we will quickly move along into how we enter into lasting relationship with the Holy Spirit in order that we might learn what it means to cooperate with Him and His real purpose for those who would desire to be the Bride of Jesus Christ.
Christ The Way Church - 8/11/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
The Eternal Gospel and the Holy Spirit - Part 2
The message turned out to be the Lord dealing with us about the Holy Spirit"s rightful place in the journey into Christ. It is in preparation for us to be taught how to actually have a relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Christ The Way Church - 7/28/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
The Eternal Gospel and the Holy Spirit - Part 1
In the seeking of the Lord over the content of this message, it became clear that we would take a fresh look at the Eternal Gospel of Jesus Christ, and then look at the part the Holy Spirit plays in regards to the working out of the Eternal Plan and Purpose, which is the Eternal Gospel being worked out through the formation of the life of Christ in the believer. Initially, we thought that this could be dealt with in a single message, but then it became clear that the one message was going to end up becoming Part 1 of a series. But as we continued to sit with the Lord during the message prep, it became clear that this Part 1 message was going to focus solely on the Eternal Gospel of Jesus Christ, in order to lay the groundwork for where we will absolutely be going as part of this series, which is the establishment of the place and purpose of the Holy Spirit in the Eternal Gospel of Jesus Christ. So we are letting everyone know that the discussion about the Holy Spirit and His part is going to be in Part 2 and whatever follows. Part 1 focuses entirely on the Eternal Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Christ The Way Church - 7/07/24
Speakers - Chris Poole and Jeff Thompson
The Road To Representation - Part 4
Reflections On Walking In The Light
Repeating what we have already posted in Parts 1-3 of this series, we have been dealing with what the Lord has revealed to us from what we see written in 1 John 1:5-9, and particularly verse 7.
Also in Parts 1-3 of this series, we have taken a comprehensive look at what it means to walk in the light, first with the Holy Spirit, and then as He enables us to walk in the light with one another.
Then specifically in Part 3, we got as detailed as we could in laying out the process of what it means to walk in the light, and how the Spirit then unencumbers us from our burdens and the results of our sins, and then forms the Life of Christ within us.
Now in Part 4, we are going to share some reflections on walking in the light that we have not yet shared in preceding parts of this series.
Christ The Way Church YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 6/23/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
The Road To Representation - Part 3
The Power Of Walking In The Light
Since engaging this series, and especially since getting more and more focused on the topic of walking in the light, those of us in the church have begun to see visible evidences of greater freedom from the control of the soul realm, and the Holy Spirit has been helping us see how we did not understand what walking in the light really was prior to this season. Let us be clear as to what it is not..., it is not us trying to stay free of sin. All we have to do to prove that is to try to approach the typical sin patterns in our lives in that manner, and we will quickly see that it does not work that way. It is clear that there is a missing element, and that missing element is the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
In this Part 3 of the series, we are going to get even more detailed in our description of what it means to walk in the light, and the process that is involved on our part. Then we will describe the specific activity of the Holy Spirit that comes into the equation, and how we can experience a genuine acceleration of the life of Jesus Christ being invested in us by the Holy Spirit.
Again, as we stated in Part 2 of this message, believers who are focused on coming into the fullness of the life of Christ will find some keys presented again in this message.
Christ The Way Church YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 6/9/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
The Road To Representation - Part 2
In Part 2 of this series, we looked much more deeply at 1 John 1:5-9, and walking in the light, and how the Holy Spirit clothes us with Christ as we do.
Christ The Way Church YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 5/26/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
The Road To Representation - Part 1
This message deals with aspects that the Lord is calling to our attention in order to get ourselves unencumbered while on the narrow pathway into the life of Christ.
Christ The Way Church YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 5/12/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
Part 6 - The Revelation of Christ and the Partaking of Christ Flowing Together
We feel that we are being led by the Lord to do one more session in the series dealing with the Revelation of Jesus Christ. There are some things that the Lord wants to speak to those that have ears to hear, and it would be important to those who have determined that they want to press into the Lord, until they truly come to know Him more than just in a surface level.
Christ The Way Church YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 4/28/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
Part 5 - The Revelation of Christ and the Partaking of Christ Flowing Together
Since the moment we began this series, it has been obvious that the topic of the revelation of Jesus Christ, and the partaking of Jesus Christ, are uniquely related and are inseparable. After all, to know Jesus is to love Him, and to want much more of Him.
In this message, we go through John 6, which is a key chapter in Scripture when dealing with the partaking of Christ, and we look at revelational understandings from the Lord in regard to the things that Jesus said about eating His flesh and drinking His Blood.
Christ The Way Church YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 4/7/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
Part 4 - The Partaking of Christ
Part 4 begins the part of the series where we deal with what it means to partake of Christ. Because of what we have been covering in the series, and especially what we will engage in this particular portion, it seems only appropriate that we share communion with one another at the end of the service. We know that there are those of you who like to be able to share communion with us, so we are letting you know that we will have that time of communion after the message.
Christ The Way Church YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 3/24/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
Partaking of Christ
Part 3 - The Revelation of Christ
In Parts 1 and 2, this series dealt with the hugely important topic of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Repeating our introduction from Part 2, we began in Part 1 by dealing with the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Paul stated in Galatians 1:12 (CSB), "For I did not receive it (the Gospel) from a human source and I was not taught it, but it came by a revelation of Jesus Christ. We need to hear what Paul is saying to us in that verse. Just like there is only one Jesus Christ, there is only one true Gospel, because Christ IS the Gospel. So the revelation of Christ initiates a divine transaction in our hearts.
Then in Part 2, we continued dealing with the Revelation of Jesus Christ and additional content that the Lord brought forward. We did not get to fully finish the content for Part 2 on 3/10, so in Part 3, we finished the additional content on the Revelation of Jesus Christ and then initially engaged the part that we have something to do with..., what it means to partake of Christ, and how do we engage our part in that process.
The partaking of Christ is a vitally important part of us cooperating with the greater process of the Lord which is administrated by the Holy Spirit, so that the Life of Christ might be formed in us and progressively overtake and drive out the Adamic nature life, the life that we were born into. Partaking of Christ is how we ingest Christ Himself into our mortal bodies so that little by little, as we continue in obedience to this process, we progressively overcome and are transformed into His life, and His likeness. THAT..., is how we enter into the fulfillment of the Eternal Plan and Purpose of the Godhead, and into bridal relationship with Christ.
Christ The Way Church YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 3/10/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
Partaking of Christ
Part 2 - The Revelation of Christ
This series is dealing with something that is very important to the believer in Jesus Christ, the topic of the Partaking of Christ. In order to treat the content with appropriate diligence, we began in Part 1 by dealing with the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Paul stated in Galatians 1:12 (CSB), "For I did not receive it (the Gospel) from a human source and I was not taught it, but it came by a revelation of Jesus Christ. We need to hear what Paul is saying to us in that verse. Just like there is only one Jesus Christ, there is only one true Gospel, because Christ IS the Gospel. So the revelation of Christ initiates a divine transaction in our hearts.
In this Part 2 message, we continued dealing with the Revelation of Jesus Christ and additional content that the Lord brought forward. We did not get to fully finish the content for Part 2 on 3/10, so in Part 3, scheduled for 3/24, we will finish the additional content on the Revelation of Jesus Christ and then engage the part that we have something to do with..., what it means to partake of Christ, and how do we engage our part in that process.
The partaking of Christ is a vitally important part of us cooperating with the greater process of the Lord which is administrated by the Holy Spirit, so that the Life of Christ might be formed in us and progressively overtake and drive out the Adamic nature life, the life that we were born into. Partaking of Christ is how we ingest Christ Himself into our mortal bodies so that little by little, as we continue in obedience to this process, we progressively overcome and are transformed into His life, and His likeness. THAT..., is how we enter into the fulfillment of the Eternal Plan and Purpose of the Godhead, and into bridal relationship with Christ.
The church at large has been wrongly teaching for sometime that to simply acknowledge that Jesus is real and is "out there somewhere" somehow means that we are automatically the Bride of Christ. That is unbiblical teaching and Revelation 3:21 makes that very clear. ONLY the Overcomers are going to sit with Christ on His throne and rule and reign with Him throughout all eternity. So it is important for us to understand what it means to be one of the Overcomers. That, and the process of partaking of Christ, is what we will cover in this part 2 message.
Christ The Way Church YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 2/25/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
Partaking of Christ
Part 1 - The Revelation of Christ
This two-part series is dealing with something that is very important to the believer in Jesus Christ, the topic of Partaking of Christ. But in order to treat the content with appropriate diligence, we had to start by dealing with the Revelation of Jesus Christ. That is what this Part 1 message covers, and this first part should not be minimized because it is so vitally important to the believer.
Paul states in Galatians 1:12 (CSB), "For I did not receive it (the Gospel) from a human source and I was not taught it, but it came by a revelation of Jesus Christ. We need to hear what Paul is saying to us in that verse. Just like there is only one Jesus Christ, there is only one Gospel, because Christ IS the Gospel.
Christ The Way Church YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/ChristTheWayChurch
Christ The Way Church - 2/11/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
Keeping Our Eyes On Jesus
A new season has begun and some are finding that their the journey on the narrow path has become more constricted than in the last season. In this message, we talk about some of the distinctions of this new season, analogies about our journey into Christ and His life, and then we get into something the Lord gave specifically for this church having to do with how we are posturing ourselves, and what the Lord wants us to do about it. Then we talked about how we can better negotiate the journey at this juncture, and then ended up getting into discussions of specific aspects about the preparation of the house of the Lord in the season, which is us, those who are following Him, wherever He goes.
Christ The Way Church - 1/21/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
2024 and Forward - Part 2
In this Part 2 of the two-part series, we will be discussing this year and some things the Lord would have us be mindful of as we journey forward into 2024. There will be some discussion of things to come, but even more about the Lord's position on His intentions into the affairs of men.
Our sincere apologies for the video transmission issue in this session. The video kept freezing and we finally just left it frozen because we did not wish to keep interrupting the flow of the message over the tech issues. The complete message can still be heard because the audio is complete and intact all the way to the end. There is a slightly edited version of the back-up video on our Rumble channel. We thought that the backup copy of the video would not have the video freeze issues, but unfortunately it did as well. The problem will probably trace down to the much longer video cable that we used for this session. Nonetheless, thank you for your grace over the issues experienced.
Christ The Way Church - 1/14/24
Speaker - Chris Poole
2024 and Forward - Part 1
In this message, we followed the leading of the Lord and went into a rather detailed summary of the foundation of Christ The Way Church. This was not intended to be, nor did it turn out to be a promotion of this church, but rather a delineation of the important points that have to do with what we believe are the real foundations Church of Jesus Christ, of which we are a part. And so, this was an in-depth discussion of what those foundations are, and why they are important.
Christ The Way Church - 12/31/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
The Great Faithfulness of God
Once in a great while, and in the timeline of the Lord, He will connect the dots and bring a bigger picture together of His dealings in a persons life, and demonstrate a degree of faithfulness that is almost hard to comprehend on a human level. This is a message about one of those occurrences.
The scripture basis for this message is 2 Timothy 1:12 and we discuss the revelation that the Apostle Paul had to be writing that specific verse in the manner that he did. Then from there, we discuss how that applies to the believer in Jesus Christ.
Christ The Way Church - 12/10/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
The Greatest Gift
In this message, we are going to look at the greatest gift that has ever been given, and how that should, and will completely shape our lives, depending on our perspective. The message will be comprehensive and will go into more than this alone, but it will all be connected.
Christ The Way Church - 11/12/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
Deepening Our Relationship With The Holy Spirit - Part 2
In our last message on 10/29/23, we examined in Scripture the work of the Holy Spirit in the spiritual maturation of the saints and established that a person cannot come into the full measure of Christ without the inward work of the Holy Spirit.
In this message, which will become Part 2, we continue on from the last message and look more deeply at the process of cooperating with the Holy Spirit in His inward work, so that, as we established in the last message, we may come into freedom in places where we may be stuck in our journey into readiness. But not only that, as important as it is..., there is also the aspect of the joy of becoming a friend to the Holy Spirit, because after all, He is going to be with us forever (John 14:16). There is a substantial blessing awaiting there that many, if not most, believers have not fully appropriated. But it was the intent of Jesus that we have that type of relationship with the Holy Spirit when He (the Holy Spirit) was given to us as our Comforter, our Guide, and the One who is to lead us into all truth.
Christ The Way Church - 10/29/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
Deepening Our Relationship With The Holy Spirit - Part 1
When we look more deeply into the Scriptures, we find that the work of the Holy Spirit is vital in the spiritual maturation of the saints. In fact, His work is so vital that a person cannot come into the full measure of Christ without the inward work of the Holy Spirit.
In this message, we develop some of the scriptures that document this reality, and then we go even deeper into our discussion of how the inward work of the Holy Spirit makes it possible for us to get unstuck in places where we are stuck, and continue our journey into the life of Christ.
Christ The Way Church - 10/15/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
Embracing The Purpose Of The Holy Spirit In This Season
We have entered a time in history that is documented in Scripture and will lead to a revealing of the Church in the glory of the Lord (Is 60). But it is very important that we stay the course and adhere to the apostles teaching to insure that Christ is always our eternal goal.
This message discusses some of the transition that is now taking place, and how the ministry of the Holy Spirit is once again coming into a greater visibility. But it is unto a great eternal purpose, and now is not a time to regress into mistakes made in past years.
Christ The Way Church - 10/01/23
Speaker - Wayne Goularte
Holy Spirit, Our Helper
In this current season, the LORD is now restoring a focus on the Holy Spirit's ministry, presence, and power in, and among us, both individually, and in the corporate Body of Christ.
Around 2001, the Lord begin to strongly place a focus upon His Son, Jesus Christ, because in too many cases, segments of the church were getting overly focused on the supernatural aspect of the Holy Spirit, and Jesus was not being given His rightful place. That was never the intention of the Father or the Holy Spirit, and so the Spirit lifted off of some of what was taking place in the church in that timeframe so there could be a restoration of a pure focus on Jesus Christ.
But now in this season, there is a sense of a pendulum swing back to center, so that the Holy Spirit can once again do His work more openly among us. Only this time, its going to be important for believers to make sure that Jesus remains our primary focus, because alongside the primary objective of forming Christ and His life within the believer, keeping Jesus in the center of our focus is one of the main objectives of the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
The purpose in this message is to bring a deeper revelation and understanding of the Holy Spirit and of the importance of His ministry, and of knowing Him.
We need to know the Holy Spirit like never before, especially in this timeframe. He is our Friend, our Helper, Comforter, Advocate, and our Counselor. He is the One who comes along side us to help us in our journey into the life of Christ, ...until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God’s Son, growing into maturity with a stature measured by Christ’s fullness (Ephesians 4:13).
Christ The Way Church - 9/17/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
Testing Our Place In Christ
This message began with a discussion of the important difference between information and revelation. But then it progressed on into a number of questions that were given by the Lord to be used as a test for each of us to be able to better grasp our progress into the life of Christ.
Christ The Way Church - 9/3/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
The Lord, Our Provision
In so much of the church in this hour, there is a focus on what's in it for us, and especially financial provision. Jesus addressed this issue directly in Matthew 6 and indicated that from the Father's perspective, His provision is much greater than just a single focus on finances. But once we gain an increased revelation of Christ, and the fullness of who He is within, we also will gain a revelation that the Lord's provision is vastly beyond simply finances. The Lord wants us to come to terms with this, especially in this timeframe that we are in now. Those who are truly His, and who have committed to follow Him wherever He goes, are going to know the fuller experience of the provision of the Lord in a most magnificent and supernatural way.
A major aspect of entering into the rest mentioned in Hebrews 4 that too many in the church fail to appropriate is realized by coming into alignment with the Lord in His true eternal purpose for all of us. But once we do, we find that the Lord becomes larger and greater than we ever experienced before, when we were only looking for Him to be a provider of things. What the Lord deeply desires is that we come to realize that He, Himself, is the real provision we were created to know. When we come into a revelation of this, we will step into an entirely different experience in the Lord and struggles over finances will no longer occupy the level of our focus it once did.
Christ The Way Church - 8/20/23
Speaker - Wayne Goularte
Knowing the Lord Through the Blessing of the Cross
The Blessing of the Cross is that we get to know the Lord by experiencing what the Lord experienced. The Lord would remind us that the way of the Cross is absolute for those who will become His full testimony of the Life nature of the Lamb of God. Those who will come into the measure of the stature that belongs to the fullness of Christ (Eph 4:13) will be intimately acquainted with the Cross life.
Those who are familiar with the Cross see the blessing in the Cross because Christ Himself is our great reward, and the Cross brings the intimate knowledge of knowing and fellowshipping with the Lord.
There is no other way to be transformed into the image of the Son of God and receive an abundance of Life, which is Christ living in us and through us, other than by, and through, the Cross of Christ.
Christ The Way Church - 8/06/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
Taking The High Ground
When a believer is focused upon inward transformation, which is a necessary process of having received the real gospel of Jesus Christ, there is always a passage of time between when we first engage that process, and when the Lord would bring us to a place of what the Scriptures describe as “maturity”. In Romans chapters 7 and 8, the Apostle Paul has much to say about life In the flesh (soul-based life) and life in the spirit (as we gain more of the life of Christ inwardly). How do we interpret Romans 7 and Romans 8 in view of our own experiences in a genuine inward transformation process? In this message, we take a deeper look at this question and the process of God involved.
Christ The Way Church - 7/23/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
Possessing An Eternal Perspective In An Eroding Society - Part 8
We continue this coming Sunday, 7/23/23, with Part 8 of our series, Possessing An Eternal Perspective In An Eroding Society. Our plan is to finish what we did not cover in our last session and then press on deeper into the revelations leading to thes recovery of the Christian Life as it was meant to be.
Again, our purpose in this series is to lay hold of core tenets of the true Christian faith that will help establish our hearts and minds on those things that will press us onward into Christ and His eternal purpose in this season, in the midst of the greatest social disintegration yet seen since Jesus ascended back to heaven. (Eph 1:11, Phil 2:5-8, Phil 3:7-16)
Christ The Way Church - 7/9/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
Possessing An Eternal Perspective In An Eroding Society - Part 7
Our plan was to continue this with Part 7 of our series, Possessing An Eternal Perspective In An Eroding Society.
We wish to once again remind our viewers that our reason for this ongoing series is because the Lord instructed us to go in this direction. His purpose in this was to expose us to understandings and heart attitudes that were prevalent during the early phase of the Church, after Jesus was taken back into heaven. Over time, and especially once Constantine made Christianity the official “state religion”, the apostle’s doctrines began to be diluted and even replaced by the doctrines of men to the point that today, Jesus Christ has been displaced in large measure as the head of His church.
So our purpose in this series is to lay hold of core tenets of the true Christian faith that will help establish our hearts and minds on those things that will press us onward into Christ and His eternal purpose in this season, in the midst of the greatest social disintegration yet seen since Jesus ascended back to heaven. (Eph 1:11, Phil 2:5-8, Phil 3:7-16)
Christ The Way Church - 6/11/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
Possessing An Eternal Perspective In An Eroding Society - Part 5
This Sunday, 6/11/23, the plan is to pick up where we left off in the last gathering because we did not finish the content for that session. Then we will carry forward into content that has to do with the core focus of the series
Christ The Way Church - 5/14/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
Possessing An Eternal Perspective In An Eroding Society - This is a special message inserted into the current series
This Sunday, 5/14/23, instead of Part 4, which will be our next series session, we inserted a special message into our on-going series to make room for some things the Lord brought forward that are not only important, but we feel will greatly encourage those pressing into Jesus in their journey. We are trusting that the content of this message will help us in our understanding and our resolve, and will be like a cool drink of water handed to someone who is in the midst of running a marathon.
Christ The Way Church - 4/30/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
Possessing An Eternal Perspective In An Eroding Society - Part 3
This Sunday, we present Part 3 of Possessing An Eternal Perspective In An Eroding Society.
One of the great challenges that we have in the church today is that we have lost the foundation of Christ and the revelation of Jesus Christ. Jesus' name is used freely, but in far too many churches, the focus is something else. I know some will debate the reality of that, but we stand by what we just said.
In this session, we are going to talk about the foundations of the Christian faith and draw some comparisons between the eternal foundation and where we are today. It is not surprising that we have what we have now because Paul was clear with Timothy as to what would eventually come in 2 Timothy 4:3-4. We are now there. What was a future situation for Paul and Timothy is now our present reality. And those who hold to such things as mentioned in verses 3 and 4 are not going to be prepared to face what is now coming upon society.
We must get back to the foundation of, and press into the revelation of Him who is the Rock, the True Foundation. And that true foundation is Jesus Christ.
NOTE: In the message, there will be mention of the meeting with Jesus when He spoke about being replaced in the hearts of His people by the things about Him. I encourage anyone who has not read the testimony of the entire 7 month long encounter to do so. You will see Jesus mention the coming separation in the church in the part about the two rocks. Pay special attention to what Jesus does with one of the two rocks.
Here is the link to that testimony… https://christthewaychurch.com/articles/new-revelation-of-jesus-coming-to-body
Christ The Way Church - 4/16/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
Possessing An Eternal Perspective In An Eroding Society - Part 2
In this message, we deal with the topic of Our God, the Mightiest of Warriors. The message comes largely out of Exodus 14 and the story about God’s deliverance of His people at the Red Sea. It draws a great parallel with God’s deliverance of His people from the armies of Pharaoh, and what God is going to do with those who truly are His in this current timeframe.
Christ The Way Church - 4/02/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
Possessing An Eternal Perspective In An Eroding Society - Part 1
The Lord has been speaking quite a bit lately about the greatness of our salvation, and the fact that so few truly comprehend who the Father has set before us in Christ. In 2 Timothy 3:1-7, Paul makes this fact ever so clear. So, there is a clear work of establishing that needs to take place in us so that we might stand in the "evil day". This message is going to deal with that and more.
Christ The Way Church - 3/19/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
Lessons Awaiting In The Valleys Of God’s Process
This Sunday, we are going to finish what we could not get to in the last message at The Gathering on 3/12. Then, we will touch on some additional points that the Lord has brought onto our radar screen recently. So this message is not just about one thing, but it will most certainly deal with our overall one main thing, which is pressing deeper into Christ, our Pearl of great price.
Mentioned in this message —> American Worldview Inventory 2023 by Dr. George Barna: https://www.arizonachristian.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/CRC_AWVI2023_Release1.pdf
Christ The Way Church - 3/5/23
Speaker - Sam Sullivant
Union With Christ
The scriptures clearly reveal the path for God’s people to enter into union with the person of Jesus Christ. Thus the Bible was always intended as a Divine message from God revealing this ongoing relationship with Christ into eternity. To enter into union with God, Jesus invites us to lose our former life, become wholehearted and dedicated followers of Him who embrace an ongoing work of the Cross, being prepared through spiritual battle to learn faith and endurance that we may enter into true rest and union with Jesus Christ Himself. The road is narrow, but He is the path that leads to life and a corporate, eternal testimony of His Life.
Christ The Way Church - 2/19/23
Speaker - Wayne Goularte
Unity In The House
In this message, Wayne Goularte spoke on “The Unity Of The House”.
All those who will be bridal with Christ will allow Him to take them through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. To build The Unity of the House, the Lord first builds this unity with Himself through the relationship and communion the believer has with the Lord. Then once this unity is established in the heart of the individual believer, then true unity can be established in the corporate House of God, His Church.
Christ The Way Church - 2/5/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
The Covenant of Salt - Pt. 4
On Sunday, 2/5/23, we went into a first discussion on The Covenant of Salt. Because of what the Lord is doing in this season, there is very much the sense of the renewing of the covenant between the Lord and those who follow the Lamb wherever He goes (Rev 14:4). So there has been a process underway in the separating and the internal cleansing by fire, which is ongoing for those to whom it applies. Then it comes to the point of the renewing of the covenant between the Lord and the remnant. This message begins to expand on this and tie some things together.
Christ The Way Church - 1/22/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
The Baptism of Fire and It's Purpose In This Hour - Pt 3
This message is Part 3 of a multi-part series that began on 12/11/22 with the Separation now taking place in the church, The Baptism of Fire, and The Covenant of Salt. We might more specifically title this message, "The Interrelationship of Rom 7:18, Repentance, and the Baptism of Fire". To the casual observer, this title may not have much significance. But to anyone who has come to realize the truth of Romans 7:18 in the midst of their desire to see their former life put away, followed by a genuine journey into the Life of Christ, we believe the content of this message will offer some real insights into why some may be experiencing challenges in realizing the forward motion that they would like to see.
Christ The Way Church - 1/8/23
Speaker - Chris Poole
Bridal Preparation and The Secret Place - Pt 2
This message is Part 2 of a multi-part series that began on 12/11/22 with the Separation now taking place in the church, The Baptism of Fire, and The Covenant of Salt. Our intent was to go specifically into The Baptism of Fire this time, but as the Lord did in our 12/11/22 message, He again took things in a different direction. Our resulting focus was related to The Baptism of Fire, but it specifically had to do with our understanding of of the work He is doing within us and our access to the Secret Place with the Lord. The Lord gave some expanded understanding of this out of the first three chapters of Genesis. It was a key in our understanding in regard to the work the Lord is doing within us unto internal preparation. Our current plan now is to get into The Baptism of Fire in our next gathering on January 22nd. Then, in another upcoming message, we will look into The Covenant of Salt.
Christ The Way Church - 12/11/22
Speaker - Chris Poole
The Work Of Separation That Is Now In Process In The Church - Pt 1
This message is Part 1 of a multi-part series that begins with the Separation now taking place in the church, and then moves on to the Baptism of Fire and The Covenant of Salt.
The Lord is continuing in His work of purification during this season. in those who are in pursuit of Christ. For some, that means being taken by the Holy Spirit back to the beginning of our foundations and allowing those foundations to be corrected for the sake of being able to move forward. For others, it means the ongoing baptism of fire for the sake of purification and ongoing sanctification. Regardless of what our situation, the Lord is being ever so faithful to do the work that He said He would do in His people.
In this message, we took an in-depth look at some of the aspects of this work of Separation so that the faith of Christ might be kindled within us, and that we might be properly aligned with the Lord in that work.
Christ The Way Church - 11/27/22
Guest Speaker - Rex Bryant
Rex Bryant was with us again on November 27th and it was a time spent hearing the Lord's heart for His people. We introduced Rex the last time he was with us on July 24 and you can find that message on this site.
Rex has been gifted by the Lord in being able to bring the Lord’s loving confrontation to those who hear his stories and testimonies and it causes many to be drawn closer to the Lord. And for various reasons, that has now become a priority to many in this season.
Christ The Way Church - 11/21/22
Speaker - Chris Poole
Behold Both The Goodness And The Severity Of God - Pt 2
This is Part 2 of the message that began on 11/13/22 and deals with the issues of Lord's judgments in the church that are about to arise at this time. It is truly necessary that we hold fast to the full nature of the Lord because although His mercy nature balances His judgment nature, His judgment nature does exist and the Scriptures clearly document this. We strongly encourage the listeners to take the time to hear both Pt 1 and Pt 2 of this message. Then..., a more complete picture of what is going on can be obtained.
Christ The Way Church - 11/13/22
Speaker - Chris Poole
Behold Both The Goodness And The Severity Of God - Pt 1
In this message, the Lord has continued to add more details to aspects of those who will stand in the battle. One in particular was a 6th aspect of a deep love for the Lord. But then Lord led in an interesting direction that turned out to be a real encouragement to the listener in regard to the two-way aspect of James 4:8, and the Lord's part in that dynamic.
This message presents the goodness and kindness of God, whereas the second message dated 11/21/22 presents the more severe, judgment side of the Lord that is about to manifested in this timeframe. So this has now become Part 1 of a two-part series.
Christ The Way Church - 10/30/22
Speaker - Chris Poole
Aspects of Warriors Who Will Stand In The Battle - Pt. 2
In this gathering, we looked into the main aspects of what will enable warriors to stand in battles assigned by the Lord. This session is not about the believer's basic personal warfare so much, but more about a level of warfare that is beyond us personally, and according to the assignment of the Lord.
Christ The Way Church - 10/16/22
Speaker - Chris Poole
Aspects of Warriors Who Will Stand In The Battle - Pt. 1
Based upon what we felt is the leading of the Lord, we engaged a look at the believers warfare in this gathering. It was not only based on the scriptures we are well familiar with, but additional content based on some specifics given by the Lord. In the course of the gathering, the Holy Spirit continued to step in and re-direct the flow of the gathering and even interject things that were not initially planned for the meeting. He is always welcome to do what He chooses to do and we do our best to embrace Him in that, and so what was going to be a one part message has now become a two-part message, to be continued on 10/30.
Christ The Way Church - 10/02/22
Speaker - Chris Poole
Encouragements In The Journey
In this message, which was given as an encouragement along the way to the believer on the journey into Christ, we took a close look at Prov. 8:17 in contrast with James 4:8, and how Isa. 60 is associated. Then John 3:30 in regard to God’s priorities for us as to where we place our focus in regard to Christ and His work in our transformation. Then we especially got into Ps. 37:23-24 and with a brief look at the relationship Prov. 4:23 has to it. Then we wrapped up the message with a fresh look at Ps 23.
Christ The Way Church - 9/4/22
Speaker - Chris Poole
Pressing Deeper Into The Lord And Coming To A Place Of Abiding Trust In Him - Part 3
This Sunday continued with additional content given by the Lord that we have not been able to go into in the last two sessions. And not all of it is just about pressing in deeper. We got into specific content the Lord wanted to reveal about the importance of our coming to be able to really trust Him, and why that is going to be very important in the days ahead.
Christ The Way Church - 8/7/22
Speaker - Chris Poole
Pressing Deeper Into The Lord - Part 1
This message was planned to continue in the direction of the Lord's dealings with our soul, because that is such a comprehensive work. But in the process of working on the message, the Lord took things a different way and begin to point out aspects of our cooperation with His process that could help in a greater cooperation on our part with His work. This is now Part 1 of what is now going to be at 2-Part message.
[The message begins at 40:40]
Christ The Way Church - 7/24/22
Speaker - Rex Bryant
Rex Bryant was our speaker on Sunday, July 24th and his topic was friendship with the Lord. Rex has always had God's voice going on in his "ear", and combined with a God-given gift in his ability to tell the many stories about God's dealings in his life, it allows the Holy Spirit to create an intense drawing in the lives of the listener, and this morning was exactly like that. In this message, you will find encouragement for your own journey and a greater understanding of God's process in our lives.
Christ The Way Church - 7/10/22
Speaker - Chris Poole
In this message, we dealt with the ways of God and how He is dealing with us in the midst of our current preparation. We also discussed the tests that invariably come our way to help us see where we are in our journey. And from there, we went back into the continued focus on God’s dealing with the inward separation of our soul from our spirit. This description fails to really cover the various aspects of this message because it touches a wider variety of points than can be covered in a short description, but they all were pertinent to us right now in light of the things that the Lord is doing within us.
Christ The Way Church - 6/26/22
Speaker - Chris Poole
In this session, we continued again further into our focus on the processes of God pertaining to the crushings (actually the penetration and perforation) of our souls, so that it might become obedient to the Lord and no longer a point of resistance to our journey into Christ. Specific points were brought out in regard to what is really going on when we feel the need to withdraw back into the Lord after being involved in outward pursuits, such as jobs, engaging activities we might prefer to not have to engage, etc. The dynamic behind this has more to do with us internally than it does with whether the external situation is good or bad, and it can help us better understand how far our work of internal transformation has progressed.
Christ The Way Church - 6/12/22
Wayne Goularte was our speaker again for this session. The Lord wants to purify His Bride and do a deep work in her heart so that she has no other love than for Him who called us to Himself.
The life of King David has many examples in how the Lord worked brokenness into David and prepared him to reign over Judah and Israel. In the same way, there are parallels in King David’s life in how the Lord takes those who would be bridal in their relationship with Christ through the breaking process to the point where they have a single heart toward The Lord Jesus Christ.
Philippians 1:6 states " being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ"
The Lord is fully committed to His people to bring them into the fullness of Christ, if they will yield to the process of the Cross so that they may be delivered of the carnal life, the sin nature, and be resurrected into the life of Christ.
Christ The Way Church - 5/29/22
In this message, we returned back to the internal dealings of the work of the Lord, and the reasons why many of us may feel the need to compartmentalize our lives in regard to the Lord and our involvement with Him, versus the rest of the affairs of our lives.
And, there were some other encouragements from the Lord as to where we are now.
Christ The Way Church - 5/15/22
[Note: The message begins at 25:07]
In this gathering, we continued with our on-going focus of allowing the Lord to penetrate our soul realm so that he may find release from within us in order to accomplish his ministry. It is the Cross of Christ being applied to the soul, which has been continued to occupy the ground that belongs exclusively to Christ.
I doubt we will be looking at finishing this theme anytime soon because if we stop to consider what we are doing, we realized that this is the core process tied to the core theme in the whole journey into the life of Christ. We have gone into some other directions in the past 2 to 3 gatherings, but now the Lord is saying that it is time to get back to furthering our understanding and revelation of our fundamental pursuit of Christ. Nothing will ever be more important than this because if we would be bridal in our relationship with Jesus Christ, then this is the pursuit of that preparation.
Christ The Way Church - 05/01/22
Sam Sullivant was our speaker in this session.
Seeking the face of Jesus is no shallow calling but rather, a call to God's people to enter more deeply into the eternal will and desire of God. To be truly born again in Jesus Christ is to have a veil lifted off the human heart that we might behold Jesus. As David sought the face of God in the Psalms, so we can join in these eternal songs and prayers that ultimately point us to the person of Jesus Christ. As we behold Him, we are transformed and the bedrock of the Life and essence of Christ Himself is formed in us.
The Real Message of Easter
Christ The Way Church - 4/17/22
This Easter Sunday, the Lord led us to focus this message on "The Real Message of Easter". We can only imagine how the heart of the Lord feels about the lukewarmness that exists in the church today in view of the original intent of the Lord and where the Church began after Pentecost. In this message, there is the contrast between what we see in "church", which is widely being demonstrated today, and the real intention and purpose of the Lord, and how that real intention and purpose will absolutely benefit those who will believe Him and embrace what He has made available. This is the real pathway to the real best life we can ever have in this life.
The Correlation Between Transformation and Facilitating the Holy Spirit
Christ The Way Church - 4/3/22
Cultivating A Greater Sensitivity Towards The Lord
Christ The Way Church - 3/20/22
There is the ever-present need for all of us to continue to gain victory in the Lord over the soul realm and its past domination over us. We are by no means done with that over-riding focus. But again, the Lord interjected an interim topic into our plan for this gathering, so we plan to begin with it and we will simply flow with the Lord in this. So, our topic for this gathering was... Cultivating A Greater Sensitivity Of Heart Towards The Lord.
Christ The Way Church - 3/06/22
Wayne Goularte was our speaker this time.
In this session, Wayne shared on the necessity of a foundation established upon Christ and the fear of the Lord which is in the process of returning to the true church.
Christ The Way Church - 02/20/22
It has been a spiritually active time lately and that means that the Lord sometimes brings a direction that is not anticipated until we are in the actual gathering. And we all know that He is welcome to do that. But in this message, we continued pressing forward in the topic of releasing Christ within so that we can stay in step with the Lord in His recent revealings about beginning to get His house in order.
To many, it may have seemed like it took quite some time for some visible aspects of deliverance to begin to happen. But it has begun and more and more are beginning to see the visible manifestations of His miraculous interventions. The love, the mercy, and the faithfulness of God truly is beyond our understanding.
Our topic this morning continued to build upon our understanding of the overriding purpose of the Lord in this season, mixed with the interventions of the Lord, so that we can be properly postured to receive what God chooses to do in each one of us, and among us.
Christ The Way Church - 2/6/22
Victor Dodson was the guest speaker for this gathering. Victor is a part of Christ The Way Church and also the larger body of believers in this local region. His message contained many encouragements to the church at large in this region and beyond.
Christ The Way Church - 1/23/22
This Sunday, we continued with Part 2 of the Lord's interventions in our lives in this season. As was true of our last Sunday message, this was not planned material, but it came about as a result of what the Lord has been doing. This message will be strong encouragement to those who have been waiting for the Lord's deliverance and have been wearied by the length of time in waiting for the Lord to do what only the Lord Himself can do. Chris Poole was the speaker.
Christ The Way Church - 01/09/22
In our initial Christ The Way Church gathering for 2022, we got into some things the Lord has done late in this season of deliverance. This was done for the sake of encouragement to those who are still waiting for what only the Lord can do.
Chris Poole was the speaker
Christ The Way Church - 12/12./21
This was a message to not only Franklin and the surrounding region, but any other area that has been impacted by the system of religion.
Christ The Way Church - 11/28/21
In this gathering, the Lord was dealing with the on-going season of deliverance and issues of our mindsets and our resolve.
Christ The Way Church - 10/17/21
(message begins at 33:12)
Terry and Donna Bennett were with us this Sunday. After some initial discussion regarding the founding of Christ The Way Church, Terry revisited God’s Eternal Plan and Purpose for the believer and why we would absolutely want to go all the way with the Lord in His process of preparation in order that we come into a bridal relationship with Jesus Christ.
10/3/21 - Getting The Church On The Right Foundation - Part 2
There is so much that the Lord is doing right now to bring understanding and correction to the Church. The reason He is doing that is so that the Church can fulfill its calling. Although this title and synopsis may sound somewhat mundane and generic, the content of the message is not going to be like that. So on this Sunday, we completed the rest of what the Lord has given (for now) on the theme of the getting His Church back on the true foundation of Christ and the apostles teaching.
9/19/21 - Getting the Church on the Right Foundation - Part 1
In this message, we present some of what God is saying now and what it means, both now and in the coming days.
9/05/21 - Establishing a Covenant With God Pt 2
In this gathering, we continue with Part 2 of our theme, Establishing a Covenant With God. This will be an important part of our spiritual preparation as we move into the days that are directly in front of us now.
8/22/21 - Establishing a Covenant With God Pt 1 and A Call To the Church To Awaken
In this gathering, we discussed the importance of and the need for establishing a covenant with God as part of our spiritual preparation for the times that are fast coming up on us. And there will be some additional discussion that is intended to be a call to those in the church at large to fully awakened and fully understand what is about to come upon our society.
7/25/21 - The Book of Acts In Our Day Pt 2
On Sunday, July 25th, we continued with Part 2 of our deep look into the Book of Acts and some events that lie ahead for the Church. These are truly intense times and the Lord is preparing to reveal His Son in even greater intensity than ever witnessed before in the midst of these turbulent times.
The Lord’s Plans For The Remnant Church In This Hour
Proverbs 16:9 tells us that "The mind of a person plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps".
This morning, July 11th, we had a plan to continue with Part 2 of our deep look into the Book of Acts and some events that lie ahead for the Church. That message is now scheduled for July 25th. But the Lord had a different focus in store for this gathering and it began to come out at around 45 minutes into the message. The morning ended up being a challenge to come to understand what the true Remnant Church of Jesus Christ really is and some of the ways we can know if we are being engaged by the Lord on that basis. Please allow the Spirit to search us and try us as the content of this message unfolds to the end.
Our apologies for the original title screen being recorded into the first few minutes of the video recording. The title screen was changed after the Lord took the focus in a different direction, but it did not change the portion of the original title screen that was embedded in the first 7 minutes of the recoding.
The Book Of Acts In Our Day - Pt 1
In this message, we take a biblical look at some of the things believed in today’s church for things to come, and then we look at the biblical criteria as the evidence of our beliefs.
Part 6 of our foundations series and Part 3 of the Eternal Plan and Purpose of God.
Part 5 of our foundations series and Part 2 of the Eternal Plan and Purpose of God.
Part 4 - The Great Eternal Plan and Purpose Of the Godhead
Part 3 - The Continuation of the scriptural Foundation of Christ the Way Church
Part 2 - The Spiritual Foundations of Christ The Way Church
This message begins to develop the scriptural foundation for the establishment of this church and this theme will continue in increasing depth in two additional messages beyond this one.
Part 1 - The historical foundations of Christ The Way Church
Some might rightfully wonder how we can know what things really matter to the Lord when there are so many doctrines and theologies in churches across the land. This video details two specific encounters with the Lord where He was quite specific about certain things that we believe are most important in regard to the Church.