Our Beliefs

1. We believe in the Trinity (the Godhead) as comprised of the Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ the Son of God (the Son of the Heavenly Father), and the Holy Spirit. These three are One, but yet distinct as three separate persons who are all eternal. We also believe that the revealing of the Trinity comes through the Scriptures and through Jesus Christ.
2. We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the eternal and uncreated Creator of all things, the central focus of the Scriptures, and the primary focus of the Eternal Plan and Purpose of the Trinity. Jesus Christ alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life for those who believe in Him. He is the King of all kings, the Lord above all other lords, the Lamb of God spoken of in the Scriptures, and the Savior of all who put their faith and trust in Him.
3. We believe that the Christian Bible, all 66 books, are holy and inspired by God, and that they, representing the complete written Word of God, testify to Him who is the Word, Jesus Christ.
4. We believe that all mankind has fallen through the sin of the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, who were the beginning of the human creation. It was their sin that allowed the sin nature to come into themselves and be passed on to and within their offspring, the human race, including every single one of us.
We also believe that Jesus Christ, the “second man” referred to in Scripture and also called “the last Adam”, was sent to this earth literally by the Father to offer reconciliation and salvation to all who will put their faith in Him, and that all members of the human race must be born again or they cannot see the Kingdom of God and Heaven. Jesus Christ alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life for each and every one of us, and that no one can come to the Heavenly Father except through Him.
5. We believe that a personal relationship with the person of the Lord Jesus Christ is intrinsic to the Christian faith and that relationship is intended to be intensely personal and ever-increasing through the continual increase of the revelation of Jesus Christ (the inward revealing of Jesus Christ to our hearts). That relationship has its beginning when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, and that point is only the beginning of us coming into the fulfillment of the Eternal Plan and Purpose of the Godhead.
Salvation is the entry into this grand plan and journey, not the completion. Coming into the representation (the fullness) of Jesus Christ is the destination of our journey in this current life on earth. Inward transformation through the work of the Cross of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit is non-optional in order for us to reach that destination. That is because our life, the life which originates from the Adamic nature into which we are all born, must be brought to death in order for us to be infilled with the full measure of the Life of another who is greater than ourselves, the Life of the Lord Jesus Christ.
6. We believe that Heaven and Hell are literal locations that are also eternal and spiritual. Heaven is the realm of the eternal throne of God, and from that throne, He rules his entire creation. Hell is literal, not symbolic. It is a place of torment and total separation from Jesus Christ, for those who reject Jesus Christ and His offer of redemption from our sin nature. Hell was created for Satan and his angels, not for human beings. But if human beings choose to reject Jesus Christ and His offer of salvation unto eternal life, then they choose an alliance with Satan by default because of their rejection of Jesus Christ. Therefore, they will end up with Satan and his angels in the place of torment and punishment intended for Satan and his angels.
7. We believe that those who place their faith and trust in Jesus Christ will have no reason to fear death because Jesus overcame death (death lost its sting) through His ultimate sacrifice on the Cross. Therefore, when a believer in Jesus Christ experiences the passing from their physical body, they immediately find themselves present with the Lord in the eternal realm. They will continue on throughout all eternity engaging in the purposes of God and the glorious reality that comes with that. We also believe that we will begin our eternal experience with the Lord at the level of maturity that we came into in this life here on earth.
8. We believe that the level of the Christ-life we allow the Holy Spirit to form in us in this life does matter. It is important because we will be judged by the Lord Jesus at his judgment seat on two criteria. 1) We will be judged based on the content of Christ and His Life that has been formed within us, and 2) we will be judged based upon our works. But it is important to distinguish the works that matter, and those that do not. The works that will produce the golden and silver when tried by the fire at the judgment seat of Christ, will be those works that the Lord does through us, because He has been sufficiently formed within us to the point that He can do His ministry through us..., unhindered by our self-nature. The works that do not matter are those works that we initiate for Him. Those works will produce the wood, the hay, and the stubble that will all be consumed by the fire at His judgment seat, and will produce no eternal reward. We believe that it is important to understand this distinction.
9. We believe that Jesus Christ will return to this earth to establish His eternal throne and kingdom. But no one knows the exact hour of His coming. Jesus will rule and reign with His Bride, those saints who are described in the Scriptures that have become Jesus’ “like kind”, through the work of the Cross, as administrated by the Holy Spirit, and together, Jesus Christ and His Bride will eternally reign over all things from the earth.